Since the Monastère des Augustines morphed into a wellness center in 2015, visitors from more than 50 countries have found a quiet place to retreat in the center of Quebec’s Old Walled City. A 17th century monastery might seem an unlikely place for a modern wellness retreat. But the sisters of Augustine have made it work with their mixture of old cloister and modern glass. If you want to relax, regenerate and possibly even unplug, the monastery is a perfect place to do it.

Old cloisters plus modern glass
The first three Augustinian nuns arrived in Quebec in 1639. From this small start, they grew to found 12 hospitals and monasteries throughout the province of Quebec. Their mission: To care for people, body and soul. They reached a peak of 225 sisters living in the Quebec City monastery. But as the order declined, the sisters needed to find a way to carry on their mission while also paying for their retirement. Hence, the Monastère des Augustines.
My One-Day Monastère des Augustines Wellness Retreat
The Monastère des Augustines in Quebec City is a fabulous place for a personal retreat. I recently spent two nights there—my second visit (click here for an account of my first)—and tried to participate as fully as possible in monastery life. Here’s what my day at the monastery looked like:
6:30 Wake up in my former nun’s cell. With the modern mattress and cute window seat, it’s welcoming and comfortable.

An authentic room at the monastery

This is what a historic room looked like. No kneeler in my room. And the mattresses are way thicker now!
7:00 Go downstairs to do morning yoga and meditation in a 17th century vault

I love their branded bolsters.
8:00 Slip into the church to hear the Augustinian nuns, now mostly in their 80s, singing morning vespers
8:30 Breakfast in silence in the dining room, featuring granola, various milk alternatives, an array of nut butters, lots of fruit, and really good bread.
9:00 Writing on my laptop, back in my room
10:00 Walk around the neighborhood, including getting cappuccino, since I require more caffeine than your average wellness guest
Noon second yoga class of the day
1:00 Lunch in the dining room. Amazing vegan salad bar with 10 special salads! eggplant and tempeh entrée. And a chocolate vegan dessert that I ate before remembering to photograph.

Vegan salad bar!

Eggplant and tempeh entree
3:00 Massage with essential oils. So relaxing I fell asleep
4:30 Nap
5:30 Chi gung in the vault
7:30 Took a taxi through rainstorm to Nina’s Pizza for vegan pizza

Wood-fired vegan pizza from Nina’s
10:00 bedtime!
Teresa Bergen owns the Veg Travel & Fitness site. She’s a long-time yoga teacher and certified as both a personal trainer and a health coach by the American Council on Exercise. Teresa is a member of the Society of American Travel Writers and the Wellness Tourism Association, and is the author of Meditations for Gym Yogis.