As more people question their alcohol use, more are getting sober or at least thinking about it. Isabel van Zuilen is an entrepreneur in this arena, leading sober retreats in Tarifa, Spain for women through her company Sobertopia. I have not yet gone on one of her retreats, but they look fabulous! I hear that US retreats are coming soon, but check her site for current offerings. Isabel answered a few of my questions via email.
Teresa: Tell me about Sobertopia retreats.
Isabel: I have hosted 3 Sober Retreats so far, with 8-10 guests in each of them. The response has been insanely good and therefore I will continue doing them.

Teresa: Tell me about your participants. Have they all been in recovery?
Isabel: I would say about 95% are sober and 5% sober curious. Ages are between 32 and 65, all female and coming from all over the world (US, Canada, UK, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Ireland, Spain)
Teresa: How does the recovery aspect affect the retreats?
Isabel: We talk a lot about sobriety and our journeys, under my guidance. I find that with sober women, chats go real deep real fast and this makes the retreats so magical. There’s a lot of bonding and connection in the short period of time we have together
Teresa: What are people’s favorite activities during Sobertopia retreats?
Isabel: Everything, from yoga to meditations, hikes and more “adventurous” activities like aerial yoga and stand up paddle boarding.

Teresa: What are some of your favorite destinations where drinking is not the focus? (other than your retreats)
Isabel: I love city trips, I’m a city girl. Other people drinking or having alcohol around me doesn’t bother me.
Teresa: Do you have any general sober travel tips to share?
Isabel: Absolutely:
- Make sure to stay connected to people / a person that understand(s) and support(s) your sobriety during the whole trip
- Plan (early) morning activities
- Empty the mini-bar if there is one and replace the alcoholic drinks with nice N/A drinks
- Be sure you’re holidaying with the right people (either sober too or at least supportive to your sobriety)
- Make it easy for yourself and choose to go on a sober retreat / holiday
Teresa: Anything else you’d like to say about sober travel?
Isabel: There’s nothing better! You come home rested and you remember everything. What’s not to love!!