Last year I had to go all the way to Corvallis to do yoga with goats. So was I ever stoked to find out about a new goat yoga location in Oregon City, which is much closer to Portland. And not only was my recent class goat yoga, it was BABY GOAT yoga!

Hey, there’s a goat on me!
It was a beautiful springtime drive to Oregon City. So much greenery. When I arrived at the address on Henrici Road, I found a fabulous farm. A perfect goat yoga day – warm but not hot. We set up our mats on lush green grass and tried to focus on yoga.

Ruby and Walter, piglets
The baby goat yoga experience
Eleven baby goats roamed between yogis. Plus, two piglets, Walter and Ruby, joined our class, and a dog named Sully and a cat named Kit Cat. Between helpers tossing treats on our backs to encourage goat antics, piglets flaking out on mats, and a lot of animals relieving themselves – I regretted my mat had only two sides – it was chaos!

Piglet yoga

Barnyard chaos!
I kept forgetting the teacher. Then I’d hear her voice again and say to myself, oh, yeah, we’re doing triangle pose. She had her own additional challenge — a baby chick was hatching in her hand while she taught. some of the poses she demonstrated one-armed, so as not to jostle the chick.

The chick that yoga hatched
The class was pretty short, perhaps 45 minutes, leaving lots of time for playing with goats and goat photo ops. Portlanders, if you want to experience baby goat yoga, sign up now. Because goats are only baby goats once. And everybody knows that as cute as goats are, baby goats are even cuter.

Goats enjoying my new book, Easy Portland Outdoors.