I first heard about doga a few years ago, and have been wanting to try it ever since. So I was thrilled to see that Yoga Bug Real Estate was offering doga as part of its first annual Boneanza for dogs. In case you haven’t heard of doga, it’s a yoga class where you bring your dog. (Dog plus yoga equals doga).

Rudy prepares for doga
The great event took place last Saturday at Full Lotus Yoga at NE Alberta and NE Eighth. This was my first visit to Full Lotus and I was totally thrilled to see that they have an outdoor yoga platform! Outdoors is my favorite place to practice yoga, and I’d been completely ignorant of this studio.
What happens in doga class?
Rudy my Keeshond and I were among the first to arrive, which put us in a good position to check out every cute new canine arrival. By class time, we had about 15 leashed dogs and their people. Teacher Pam Blair (and principal broker of Yoga Bug Real Estate) led us through a series of yoga poses designed to increase the connection with our furry friends. Some involved manually stretching their legs for them (Rudy wasn’t sure what to make of this) or binding around them in a hug.

Lunge with dog aloft
Smaller dogs were held aloft in Warrior 1 or perched on chests during boat pose. There was probably more laughing, butt sniffing and photo taking than actual yoga, but everybody had a good time. It was a nice group of dogis – no snarling, barking or biting.
The dog party continued at The Filling Station Pet Supplies on Alberta. Proceeds from doga and a raffle went to Family Dogs New Life Shelter in SE Portland.
More Portland doga?
Will doga become a regular thing in Portland? I hope so. Pam said people had asked her when she was teaching it again. I think Rudy is ready for more. And I’m planning to become a regular at Full Lotus this summer. I was so excited about the outdoor platform that I asked if I could teach a summer class there. I’m on the schedule for Saturdays, 9-10 am, for July and August. All the classes are donation-based. So if you’re looking for an outdoor class this summer, come check it out.